Graphite is your go-to network for deep expertise

We have vetted and assembled a pool of 11,000+ independent experts, consultants, and executives who can supercharge various areas of your organization. Graphite experts are masters in their fields and typically possess deep domain and/or functional expertise.

Profile snapshots of a few independent experts on Graphite

Our network by the numbers

The platform where high-performing teams onboard and manage
the most in-demand independent experts on demand.

Expertise to address capacity and capability gaps across multiple teams

Finance & Accounting
Human Resources
Technology & IT
Sales & Marketing
Data Science/Analytics
# of experts

Access leading experts with subject matter expertise in specific industries


Average years of work experience of our experts

Lean on the deep experience of our network built over the years working at top firms.

Our proprietary vetting process

We've built a proprietary vetting process powered by human touch and technology that enables us to identify the best talent available on the independent talent market.

Only 1 out of 20 experts make it through this process. Graphite experts are expected to perform at a very high level and have been rated 4.8 out of 5 stars by our clients across thousands of successful engagements.

Snapshot of some independent experts on Graphite

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independent experts on demand

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Photos of 2 independent experts on Graphite for representation purposes

Why experts choose Graphite?

Graphite experts are part of a revolutionary shift in the workforce where highly talented individuals choose to work independently to gain more control over their work. Experts on our platform typically perform consulting work for a living — they trade on their reputation and the quality of their output and deliverables.

Resources & Perks

Our team is constantly searching for ways to give our experts the best when it comes to being part of our network - and the list below keeps growing.

Professional Aids

From professional slide deck templates to furniture for a home office, our expert network receives discounts that help them get their projects done in style.

Life & Wellbeing

Our experts get discounts on things like meal box delivery and pet product delivery because we know having a strong work-life balance is important.

Professional Development

By being accepted as part of our network, experts receive discounts to continuing education (CE) programs, professional virtual headshots, discounts on business cards, and more.

Latest Insights

Workforce Optimization Guide

Building the right talent strategy in an uncertain economic environment is tough. Learn how you can build high-performing teams with an agile, cost effective talent acquisition model.
Download the guide now

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<p>Graphite needs your contact information to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on our commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>

<p>Graphite needs your contact information to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on our commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>

<p>Graphite needs your contact information to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on our commitment to protecting your privacy, please review our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Privacy Policy</a>.</p>

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